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What kind of national heritage are listed as State-designated cultural heritage?

What kind of national heritage are listed as State-designated cultural heritage?

National heritage refer to artificially created or naturally formed national and world cultural heritage of outstanding historic, artistic, academic, or scenic value. Among them, those meeting the following specified criteria are listed as State-designated cultural heritage by the Administrator of the Korea Heritage Service after a careful review by the Cultural Heritage Committee.

  • National Treasure
  • National Treasures refer to the cultural properties that are unprecedented and have outstanding cultural and anthropological value. Although it is very difficult to set up normative standards to evaluate the value of cultural properties, ones that are unparalleled that is, unique and rare are generally designated as National Treasures.
  • Treasure
  • Treasures refer to important tangible cultural properties including wooden buildings, stone buildings, ancient books, paintings, sculptures, archeological materials and weaponry.
  • It is hard to judge the relevant importance and value of Treasures and National Treasures. However, it can be said that National Treasures refer to heritage of unique and rare value in a field or era, while Treasures are slightly less valuable than National Treasures but still important relics that represent our culture.
  • Important Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Important intangible cultural heritage refers to intangible cultural properties designated by the State. 
  • Historic Site
  • Historic Sites include pre-historic ruins, ancient tombs, remains associated with ancestral rites and religious rituals, war, industry, traffic and earthworks, and graves and steles.
  • Scenic Site
  • Scenic sites refer to sites designated for their excellent scenic view.
  • Natural Monument
  • Natural monuments refer to natural features of outstanding significance, including animals and their habitats, breeding grounds and sanctuaries, plants and their natural habitats, minerals and caves.
Designator/ TypeTangible Cultural HeritageFolklore MaterialMonumentIntangible Cultural Heritage
State-designated Cultural HeritageNational TreasureTreasureImportant Folklore MaterialHistoric SiteScenic SiteNatural MonumentImportant Intangible Cultural Heritage
City/Do-designated Cultural HeritageLocal Tangible Cultural HeritageLocal Folklore MaterialLocal MonumentLocal Intangible Cultural Heritage
Cultural Properties MaterialsCultural Properties Materials

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