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Korea National University of Heritage Introduces Ambassadors for the ‘K-Heritage Academy’ Program Targeting Foreign Residents in Korea
International Cooperation Division

 Korea National University of Heritage Introduces Ambassadors for the ‘K-Heritage Academy’ Program Targeting Foreign Residents in Korea

 - Promoting K-Heritage Academy, Korean Language Institute, and Other Educational Programs for Foreigners to Local and International Foreign Communities-

Established by the Korea Heritage Service, the Korea National University of Heritage(hereafter KNUH), led by President Kang Kyung-hwan, will introduce ambassadors for the "K-Heritage Academy," a national heritage education program for foreign residents in Korea, from January to September 2025.

Previously, KNUH enhanced awareness of Korean heritage among foreign residents in Korea through several initiatives in 2024, including K-Heritage Day, a one-day lecture for ambassadors to Korea in May; the K-Heritage Summer School, a three-week program for international students in July; and the K-Heritage Leadership Program, a nine-week program held in October-November. A total of over 60 foreigners, including ambassadors and embassy staff from 11 countries, scholars, and professionals from international organizations, participated in the 2024 program.
Among those who participated in the summer school program for foreign students, two international students will serve as ambassadors for the K-Heritage Academy, promoting the program to other foreigners interested in Korean heritage. The ambassadors are Wang Shi Wen(Taiwan), a Ph.D. student in Korean Literature at Seoul National University, and Mai Tan Tai(Vietnam), a master’s student in Korean Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Both completed Korean heritage education program during the K-Heritage Summer School in July and observed the K-Heritage Leadership Program in the fall session, enhancing their understanding of Korean heritage while monitoring this new initiative as part of the program.

The ‘K-Heritage International Center’, responsible affiliated institution for international exchange and education at KNUH, will collaborate with the ambassadors to promote programs related to Korean heritage and traditional culture. These efforts will target foreign residents in Korea and individuals engaged in international activities, highlighting not only national heritage education programs but also upcoming initiatives such as the Korean Language Institute.

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pdf파일 다운로드(국영문+동시배포)+1231+한국전통문화대,+홍보대사+통해+「K-헤리티지+아카데미」+홍보+나선다(붙임).pdf
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